In another monster category of 19 qualifiers, Strike Pro won the 2011 EFTTEX exhibition prize for best new hard lure last week with their Twin Minnow.
There’s no question that the Strike Pro Twin Minnow is innovative. While at first glance, bonding two hardbaits together may seem a little odd, there’s good reason for doing so. This combined, longer, heavier lure casts further, allowing you to get your lure to fish at distance. And once in the water the prey size is perceived smaller to the fish – you don’t necessarily have to fish a big prey at distance. The benefits of a larger lure but ‘matching the hatch’ to a smaller prey. Quite a novel idea.
Strike Pro go a stage further still with a few options on offer. You can choose between having the larger of the two prey items visible and the smaller one transparent, have the smaller prey size visable and the larger one transparent, or why not have both prey sizes visble to imitate two items of prey shoaling close together.
The 10cm lure also said that the lure has an magnificent rolling action on retrieve and suspends on pause.