Fishing on Holiday? LRF, the Perfect Travel Companion

LRF Lizard FishFishing on holiday just got a whole lot easier for me.

Just to clarify, we’re not talking about ‘Fishing Holidays’ here, with intense angling itineraries and perhaps lavish tackle purchases for taking-on the highly targeted game fish of your choice – we’re talking average family holidays abroad.

I’m sure we share the same dilemmas every holiday. You’re an avid fisherman. You love fishing. You love fish. And consequently you always try to book a holiday near the coast in the hope you’ll find time to flex the Continue reading “Fishing on Holiday? LRF, the Perfect Travel Companion”

Lures for Plaice Fishing

Plaice on a LureIf you follow Fishing Tackle UK, you might have noticed that we got a bit carried away with the LRF (Light Rock Fish) style of ultralight lure fishing last year. It consumed our angling activities and became a constant distraction from other exciting types of fishing. While my passion for LRF continues to grow, at the beginning of 2012 we made an active, healthy, decision to make HRF (Hard Rock Fish) an intended focus this year.

Yesterday, our Continue reading “Lures for Plaice Fishing”

Matt Hayes Adventure Fishing Tackle

Matt Hayes AdventureIt’s probably common knowledge by now. Angling celebrity, Matt Hayes has parted company with TF Gear and signed a 5-year consultancy with Swedish tackle supplier, Fladen. The result is a fishing tackle range named Matt Hayes Adventure.

While at first this may not appear to be a major revelation, it has the potential to do the sport a great deal of good.  It’s clear that Fladen wants to make inroads into the high street – especially large retailers and Continue reading “Matt Hayes Adventure Fishing Tackle”

Fiiish Black Minnow Bass Lures

Fiiish Black MinnowRight, Bass Anglers… listen up, this is a big one!

‘Fiiish Black Minnow’

Fiiish, not Fish. Count the i’s. One… two… three of ’em.

Quite why we didn’t tell you about them when we got home from the show in Nantes last year, is anyone’s guess. But thankfully, we got a massive slap in the Continue reading “Fiiish Black Minnow Bass Lures”

Top LRF Tackle a Year On

Salon European des Peches en MerWe’re 24 hours away from starting a lengthy journey. Driving down to the south coast, we’ll be catching the cross channel ferry from Portsmouth to Caen. Once in France we’ll need to drive a further 180 miles to Nantes – all this for a fishing tackle show. But to quote a friend, “if Carlsberg did fishing events, it would probably be close to the Salon European des Peche en Mer in Nantes” from the 27th to the 29th of January.

Two of us have been before – last year. It was a hugely enjoyable event for us (despite not speaking good French) Continue reading “Top LRF Tackle a Year On”