2010 Tackle & Guns Trade Show

Tackle & Guns ShowFishing-Tackle.co.uk were once again pleased to attend the Tackle & Guns Trade Show this week – the pinnacle of the fishing tackle calendar here in the UK. The Tackle & Guns team should be congratulated on another fantastic show – it’s always well organised right from gate and I’ve never heard a bad word said about it. Certainly, the general feeling appeared to be upbeat throughout.

Speaking of industry feelings, those that I spoke to about economy and business were positive this year – to me it seemed noticeably better than last year. Industry people are realistic though, several making comments about the ‘hard work ahead’ or ‘not out the woods yet’, so I guess it’s a case of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but working hard to make sure you reach it. Immensely encouraging none the less.

There’s lots to talk about, and lots and lots of amazing new tackle to look at. Over the course of the next couple of weeks we’ll take a look at the coolest new fishing tackle. We’ve created a new category specifically for all our T&G Show posts here > Tackle & Guns Show. There’s lots to come.

Without giving too much away, those of you that follow our Twitter feed would have already read that our key trends taken from this year’s show were:

  • Saltwater Angling is the Growth Area
  • White Fishing Reels (!)
  • We need more tackle companies like Avid Carp

In the meantime, here are a few images from the show to wet your appetite:

White Fishing ReelsCustom Reel SeatJapanese Tackle

Lever Drag ReelMolix Soft BaitsMachined Fishing Reel

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