were once again pleased to attend the Tackle & Guns Trade Show this week – the pinnacle of the fishing tackle calendar here in the UK. The Tackle & Guns team should be congratulated on another fantastic show – it’s always well organised right from gate and I’ve never heard a bad word said about Continue reading “2010 Tackle & Guns Trade Show”
Tag: trade
SONIK Sports – SONIK Reward Club Scheme
SONIK Sports launched back in May 2008 and from the off it was clear that the brand was a little bit special – not surprising considering the pedigree of the gentlemen behind it. Former Hardy & Greys commercial director Ian McCormack and Tony Anderson, who also worked at the Alnwick company as a product manager were joined by seasoned marketeer, John Openshaw to form the new fishing tackle manufacturer. It is John’s role within SONIK Sports that perhaps interests me the most.
John Openshaw has Coca-Cola listed as a previous employer and was described as having a background in online marketing in one of the first press releases for SONIK. I remember thinking that this was Continue reading “SONIK Sports – SONIK Reward Club Scheme”
Avid Carp Fishing Tackle Launched by Preston
It’s not all that often that a new brand of fishing tackle comes along and you can guarantee its success, but we’re pretty sure that’s exactly what we can expect from new carp tackle brand, Avid Carp.
And the reason for our optimism? Dave Preston, the man behind Korum, Sonubaits and Preston Innovations – clearly a tackle genius and a highly successful businessman. A carp angler himself, he has been the driving force behind some of the most innovative tackle developments in the industry.
Continue reading “Avid Carp Fishing Tackle Launched by Preston”
Italian Lure Manufacturer Molix sets sights on US Market
Although Molix is not a brand all too familiar here in the UK it is one I am familiar with. You can’t help but notice their first-class lures if you pick up a European fishing magazine like ‘Loup & Bar’ in France or ‘PescaMar’ in Spain. The French especially are Sea Bass fanatics and they’ve certainly been bitten by the ‘cooler’ side of sea angling – including the tackle. There’s an obsession for quality lures but they’re not entirely reliant on Japanese brands, with a keen eye for European brands. Molix are one of those brands. I’m not sure why the tiny English channel proves to be such an obstacle in the United Kingdom – I for one look forward to the influx of quality European fishing tackle, especially the lures. Continue reading “Italian Lure Manufacturer Molix sets sights on US Market”
Holly Kudos – New Carp & Match Fishing Tackle Brand
A new Chinese tackle manufacturer has been formed and is set to cause a storm in Europe over the next few years. The name – Holly Kudos.
The OEM company has been formed by an alliance of two existing tackle manufacturers; Danyang Holly Fishing, who have been producing carp and match fishing tackle exclusively for European buyers and Dalian Kudos, a manufacturer focused on terminal tackle. While Dalian Kudos has been concentrating in this area, Danyang Holly Fishing are known for larger carp and match fishing products including bivvies, seat boxes, bedchairs and rod pods, etc. Combining these strengths into a single company gives Holly Kudos a huge assortment of products to offer retailers and wholesalers – some of which have already Continue reading “Holly Kudos – New Carp & Match Fishing Tackle Brand”