Berkley NanoFil – Innovation of the Year EFTTEX 2011

Berkley NanoFilBerkley NanoFil did NOT win either Best New Monofilament or Best New Braid at EFTTEX 2011. Berkley did win ‘Innovation of the Year’ with NanoFil though. How so?

“Not a Mono. Not a Fluoro. Not a Braid.” That’s how the advertising video for Berkley NanoFil ends. Okay, so apart from ruling Berkley out of every line award at this year’s tackle shows, what does NanoFil mean to us, the Continue reading “Berkley NanoFil – Innovation of the Year EFTTEX 2011”

Power Pro Super 8 Slick – Best Braided Line EFTTEX 2011

Power Pro Super 8 Slick BraidPower Pro fought off stiff competition to be voted Best Braided Line at the recent European Fishing Tackle Trade Exhibition (EFTTEX) with new Power Pro Super 8 Slick braid.

Super 8 Slick sees Power Pro follow a growing trend in 8 strand braid, gaining popularity in many fresh and saltwater disciplines here in the UK. The use of 8 strands (sometimes known as ‘carriers’) produces a very round and smooth braid.

The Honeywell Spectra fibre used in manufacture is braided under high tension to produce a very high grade fishing line.

It’s good to see a Continue reading “Power Pro Super 8 Slick – Best Braided Line EFTTEX 2011”

Team Daiwa Z Boat Rod & Daiwa Saltist Lever Drag Review

Daiwa Saltist Lever Drag ReelAs far as I can tell there are only two reasons you won’t buy the new Team Daiwa Z boat rod and Daiwa Saltist LD20H lever drag reel. The first reason is they’re a bit pricey and its true, with a retail price of £225 for the rod and £315 for the reel the money could be better spent on paying almost a whole months gas bill(!). Secondly, you think that you already have all bases covered in the boat rod department – but Continue reading “Team Daiwa Z Boat Rod & Daiwa Saltist Lever Drag Review”

Okuma Andros – New Information Released

New Okuma Andros 511We spotted a hugely insightful post on the official Okuma Blog with regards to the forthcoming release of the excellent Andros 511 reel we recently sighted at the Tackle & Guns Trade Show. This post has confirmed some of findings we highlighted in our recent preview and released a lot more.

Okuma have confirmed that the Andros is a brand new Continue reading “Okuma Andros – New Information Released”

Daiwa 2011 | New Tackle – New Logo

New Daiwa Logo2011 is a big year for Daiwa UK. Daiwa has a new logo and a fresh new brand image that it wants to align in every country – we first saw the release of the new Daiwa logo in Australia in December 2009. As you can see, it’s a radical change from the logo we’ve all grown up with. I’m sure it won’t be to everyone’s favour but I really think it’s a great move from Daiwa. While I agree that this is a gamble in terms of brand recognition, I think the new look and feel is Continue reading “Daiwa 2011 | New Tackle – New Logo”