Want a Cheap Certate – Grab a Daiwa Infinity Q

Daiwa Infinity QI’ve done this a couple of times and a mate, once more. So now’s the time to share the secret in getting hold of the superb Daiwa Certate dirt cheap.

Search eBay for a Daiwa Certate – especially in the UK – and if you didn’t already know they were high price items, you might get a shock. We’re certainly talking upwards of £200 plus postage for these spinning reels. The price is justified. Arguably the Certate is Daiwa’s answer to the Shimano Stella. In fact some anglers prefer the finesse of the Certate over the Stella.

In time the Daiwa Certate has earned a following. In an auction market such as eBay that generally means fair pricing and Continue reading “Want a Cheap Certate – Grab a Daiwa Infinity Q”

Tackle Fanatics – New Site for Used Fishing Tackle

“Tackle Fanatics is an exciting new website launching in April 2010 which will offer the UK’s biggest range of quality used tackle!”

That’s a bold statement when you consider the success of eBay but it’s exactly what the company behind TackleFanactics.co.uk have set their sights on. We came across Tackle Fanatics at The Big One tackle show in Farnborough and I must say, from a presentation perspective, Craig and Matthew (the gentlemen behind the new venture) they have it spot on, with a fresh and vibrant looking brand. Continue reading “Tackle Fanatics – New Site for Used Fishing Tackle”

Tackle Trader – a new force in fishing tackle classifieds

Move over eBay, the nation’s anglers have a new favourite when it comes to fishing tackle classifieds! Well, I don’t think the online auction giant has too much to worry about just yet but I couldn’t help but notice how the online fishing tackle classifieds website – Tackle Trader – was shooting up the rankings in terms of search engine queries. According to Hitwise, over the last three weeks more people have searched for the phrase ‘tackle trader’ than the term ‘fishing tackle’ – usually the most searched for by far. In the weekly rank of search queries that contain the word ‘tackle’, ‘tackle trader’ now ranks top, with Continue reading “Tackle Trader – a new force in fishing tackle classifieds”