2012 Shimano Catalogue

2012 Shimano Fishing CatalogueHurrah! It’s that special time of year again when the major tackle manufacturers release their new fishing tackle to the public, for the first time.

Grab yourself a brew, sit back and behold the 2012 Shimano Fishing Catalogue. Lots of new reels, rods, terminal tackle and clothing. Plus a load more technique-specific tackle which Shimano has expanding on in recent years. Some very interesting new Continue reading “2012 Shimano Catalogue”

2012 Shimano Baitrunner LC XTA – Big & Medium

Shimano Baitrunner XTA LC AdvertShimano’s advert for the new Baitrunner LC says, ‘Legend Reborn’ and while normally we’d take this kind of advertising with a pinch of salt, in this case I tend to agree that the big Baitrunner Long Cast is a legendary fishing reel.  The ‘Big Baitrunner’ has been landing big fish for over 15 years. In Shimano’s reel portfolio it sits alongside other iconic greats such as the TLD lever drag reels.

2012 is a special year as Shimano have chosen to bring this old timer right up to date. Perhaps even more importantly the redesign brings with it a new size – Medium – that I’m sure will be very well received all around the world – in most countries angling equipment is getting smaller and lighter as tackle gets stronger and better designed, while anglers become more sporting in the quest to have some fun Continue reading “2012 Shimano Baitrunner LC XTA – Big & Medium”

2012 Shimano Fishing Tackle Video

Well, it’s that time of year again (at last). The big tackle trade shows of EFTTEX and ICAST are behind us and fishing tackle manufacturers’ attention turns to consumer PR, building the buzz for next seasons tackle releases.

As ever, there’s an awful lot of new releases this year. The big manufacturers will use their marketing might to make their products stand out against the rest. It’s normally quite a show.

Australia seems to be ahead in this process every year. Check out this promotional video from Shimano Australia for 2012: Continue reading “2012 Shimano Fishing Tackle Video”

Shimano Aero Technium 10000 XSB Mgs – Best Fixed Spool EFTTEX 2011

Shimano Aero Technium XSB Mgs ReelApart from winning our award for the longest reel name in history, Shimano have won Best New Fixed Spool Reel at the 2011 European Fishing Tackle Trade Exhibition in Amsterdam with their latest incarnation of the Aero Technium 10000 XSB Mgs.

Shimano have a habit of winning at this show. Over the course of the past five years Shimano have won eight awards, including one for the original Aero Technium XSA Mgs back in 2008.

This year sees Continue reading “Shimano Aero Technium 10000 XSB Mgs – Best Fixed Spool EFTTEX 2011”

Shimano Purist Rods – UK Specialist Range

Introducing Purist – a new concept inspired by leading UK specialist anglers including Shimano consultant and youngest ever Angling Times Drennan Cup holder Darran Goulder. The upshot is a quality, 10-strong range of species and situation-specific rods which offer everything the all-round specialist fish hunter could Continue reading “Shimano Purist Rods – UK Specialist Range”