2012 Shimano Catalogue

2012 Shimano Fishing CatalogueHurrah! It’s that special time of year again when the major tackle manufacturers release their new fishing tackle to the public, for the first time.

Grab yourself a brew, sit back and behold the 2012 Shimano Fishing Catalogue. Lots of new reels, rods, terminal tackle and clothing. Plus a load more technique-specific tackle which Shimano has expanding on in recent years. Some very interesting new disciplines from Europe.

Check it out below:

[phpbay]shimano 2012, 3, 14104, curado spool[/phpbay]

2 thoughts on “2012 Shimano Catalogue”

  1. can you send me 2012 shimano fishing catalog address is 222 leavenworth st. #500 San Francisco Ca.94109 thank you

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