2012 Shimano Catalogue

2012 Shimano Fishing CatalogueHurrah! It’s that special time of year again when the major tackle manufacturers release their new fishing tackle to the public, for the first time.

Grab yourself a brew, sit back and behold the 2012 Shimano Fishing Catalogue. Lots of new reels, rods, terminal tackle and clothing. Plus a load more technique-specific tackle which Shimano has expanding on in recent years. Some very interesting new Continue reading “2012 Shimano Catalogue”

Hiro Bream Machine Rod – a Year Long Review

Hiro Bream MachineThe East Solent from the Isle of Wight across to Selsey really comes alive in the spring. From mid-April onwards a wide variety of fish come into reaching distance for boat anglers. There is a genuine chance of a record weight Smoothhound or Tope (catch and release please) and local sport fishing charter services take out stacks of anglers looking for drag-busting fun but you may just be missing out on one of our best kept secrets.

The humble Black Bream arrive right across the south coast from Continue reading “Hiro Bream Machine Rod – a Year Long Review”

30 Plus Carp Fishing Tackle

30 Plus CarpThree years ago 30 Plus carp fishing products came to the market with a goal to supply well thought out and test proven tackle for specimen anglers. The range now includes items for carp, barbel and pike anglers following the same proven strategy working with a number of angling consultants to get products right before hitting the shelves.

David Middleton, Continue reading “30 Plus Carp Fishing Tackle”

Modern Bass Fishing Tackle from Sea Angler & Veals

Personally, I don’t normally buy Sea Angler magazine these days due to a lack of innovative content but I have to congratulate the guys over at Sea Angler HQ for a wonderful May/June publication. The reason why issue 453 stands out is that it features a 35-page special on bass tackle and techniques – in fact the only reason I picked it up from the newsagent shelf was that the cover showed some Japanese, Varivas braid and a fancy looking lure. A quick flick through revealed articles on plugging estuaries from the boat, and an interesting looking review of modern bass fishing by Henry Gilbey, complete with shots of a Tenryu Red Dragon Express, a Van Staal and a box Continue reading “Modern Bass Fishing Tackle from Sea Angler & Veals”

Shimano Purist Rods – UK Specialist Range

Introducing Purist – a new concept inspired by leading UK specialist anglers including Shimano consultant and youngest ever Angling Times Drennan Cup holder Darran Goulder. The upshot is a quality, 10-strong range of species and situation-specific rods which offer everything the all-round specialist fish hunter could Continue reading “Shimano Purist Rods – UK Specialist Range”