Penn Torque Heavy Duty Spinning Reels – T&G Show [part 4]

One of the highlights of the T&G show was the Pure Fishing stand featuring such giants as ABU Garcia, Berkley, Mitchell, Shakespeare, JRC and Penn – the list goes on – all featured a number of great products for 2010. Of particular interest to me, was that Penn had added two new ranges of top-end fixed-spool spinning reels, both suited to sea or any heavy duty angling. Announcing the imminent arrival of the new Conquer and the range we’ll look at now, the impressive Torque!

Top of the tree is the new Penn Torque Spinning Reel – a reel squarely aimed at the Shimano Stellas and Daiwa  Saltigas of this world. I was lucky enough to handle the Torque at the show and it is exciting in that it’s very different to both those aforementioned reels. The Torque has an almost industrial feel, Continue reading “Penn Torque Heavy Duty Spinning Reels – T&G Show [part 4]”

Kingpin Reels – T&G Show [part 3]

The Kingpin stand was definitely one of the most attractive at the show. The quality of the merchandise (and the anodising) were second to none.

Centre stage was the limited edition Sterling available in Blood Red/Pearl Black (pictured) or Pearl Black/Blood Red, both of which are equally seductive in appearance. These 4 1/2 inch reels were created to commemorate the company’s 25th anniversary and boy have they made something to be proud of. The new reel features the machined spoke design found on their Sovereign range of centrepins. We think it looks fantastic! Continue reading “Kingpin Reels – T&G Show [part 3]”

Tuf-Line / Snowbee – T&G Show [part 2]

One of the most attractive stands at the show, and as ever filled with quality products was that of Snowbee. 2009 has proved to be the best year yet for Snowbee’s 25 years in business. The success is reported to be due to ranging quality, innovative products that are sensibly priced and supported by great service and supply.

Amongst the huge array of first class fly fishing equipment on offer was a big star of the future in the UK – perhaps even a bit understated – Tuf-Line braid line.

Tuf-Line superlines are manufactured by Western Filaments in the US. They already have quite a following in other parts of the world but haven’t really been promoted all that heavily here in the UK. Snowbee have picked up the UK and Irish distribution after losing Power Pro when the manufacturer, Innovative Textiles was gobbled up by Shimano earlier this year. Although Snowbee picking up Tuf-Line was as a direct result of losing Power Pro their statement says it all, “We thought we had used the best, until we came across Tuf-Line… It’s amazing!” Continue reading “Tuf-Line / Snowbee – T&G Show [part 2]”

Tackle & Guns 2009 Trade Show [part 1]

UPDATE (19th October 2010) – Click here for Tackle & Guns Show 2010 were warmly welcomed to the 2009 Tackle & Guns Trade Show on Sunday 18th October, at Stoneleigh Park. And what a show it was…

The T&G show celebrated its 10th anniversary in style with more exhibitors than ever before (over 130) – testament to the excellent standards experienced. Exhibitors and organisers certainly put a great amount of effort into presentation. T&G report that the initial tally looks like the number of buyers was one of the highest ever as well – amazing considering the current financial climate. It looks like UK tackle retailers are looking optimistically at 2010, which is great news for everyone. Continue reading “Tackle & Guns 2009 Trade Show [part 1]” attending Tackle & Guns Trade Show

UPDATE (19th October 2010) – Click here for Tackle & Guns Show 2010

We’re pleased to announce that will be attending the Tackle & Guns Trade Show later this month, hosted by David Hall Publishing.
We aim to give you the hot scoops for new tackle from your favourite manufacturers in 2010. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed for the latest info.